ICE Video Library Sample Videos
Radial Fracture, Part 1: Initial Assessment Begins
It’s been eight weeks since she had her surgery for her distal radial fracture. The certified hand therapist (CHT) begins the outpatient treatment session by gathering information from the patient about her pain and limitations following surgery.
Medical Management: Introduction to ICU Equipment, Part 1
The therapist carefully explains how to prepare the environment and work with the equipment in the ICU.
Peds Assessment: Administration of the Test of Visual Motor Skills
The therapist administers the Test of Visual Motor Skills to a 6 year old with fine motor, attention and developmental vision challenges.
IADLs: Washing Dishes While Standing
During her treatment session at home, this stroke survivor requires assistance as she walks up to her kitchen sink. The therapist encourages her to utilize her involved hand and lower extremities as she washes dishes while standing, facilitating both
Early Childhood Motor Development: Creeping (6 months)
In this video Jack demonstrates various stages in the development of creeping.
IADLs: Sweeping the Sidewalk
Functioning at a high level, this stroke survivor attempts to utilize his involved hand during an IADL task: sweeping the sidewalk.
Multiple Sclerosis, Problems Observed in the Home: Part 3
Kitchen activities have become both difficult and unsafe for a woman diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She demonstrates how weakness and loss of motor control interfere with her ability to prepare meals. What adaptive equipment might help her?
Upper Extremity Observations
It is easy to see the structures and asymmetry of the trunk and involved shoulder in this stroke survivor. Observations from the front, side and back help the therapist to identify specific problem areas.
Assessment in Acute Care, Part 1: Initial Interview
The therapist begins his initial interview of stroke survivor bedside, in the acute care hospital. As he takes the patient’s personal history and makes his initial observations, he includes a brief assessment of the patient’s orientation to time and
StrokeHelp® Sample Videos
StrokeHelp: Teaching Independence - Sample Video 1
When patients have difficulty during ADLs, it’s important for therapists to determine impairments and underlying factors that contribute to the problem area. Observation skills are important in the analysis of key problem areas.
StrokeHelp: Functional Treatment Ideas & Strategies - Sample Video 1
With clinical reasoning the problem solving really begins! Identifying prognostic indicators, interpreting impairments and determining solutions to key problems identified are clearly presented and illustrated with patient videos.
StrokeHelp: Treatment Strategies in Acute Care - Sample Video 1
This video includes treatment strategies and important information that will help occupational therapists and physical therapists initiate safe and effective intervention in the acute care setting.