Sit to Stand: Max Assist
Jan Davis demonstrates, with the help of another therapist, how to safely stand a stroke survivor requiring maximum assistance
Jan Davis demonstrates, with the help of another therapist, how to safely stand a stroke survivor requiring maximum assistance
Practice Labs for Acute Care Similar Videos
Sit to Stand: Mod Assist
Jan Davis demonstrates, with the help of another therapist, how to safely stand a stroke survivor requiring moderate assistance.
Bed Mobility: Scooting
Jan Davis demonstrates step-by-step handling methods facilitating scooting from side-to-side. This bed mobility practice lab was carefully chosen to address the therapeutic needs of the majority of stroke survivors with hemiplegia.
Scapular Mobilization: Upward Rotation
Preparation in scapular gliding (elevation and protraction) is essential prior to facilitation of upward rotation of the scapula. Observe Jan Davis carefully demonstrate scapular mobilization in upward rotation.