Mobility: Independent Transfer from Bed to Wheelchair
A stroke survivor transfers safely and independently from his bed to his wheelchair.
Self-Care: Shaving
During ADL tasks such as shaving, the therapist demonstrates how to include a stroke survivor’s involved upper extremity.
Mobility: Transfer with Two-person Assist
The therapist teaches a family member how to safely transfer a stroke survivor from her wheelchair to the sofa with the assistance of two persons.
Standing at the kitchen counter
As a stroke survivor comes from sit to stand at the kitchen counter, the therapist teaches the importance of safety to a family member.
IADLs: Washing Dishes While Standing
During her treatment session at home, this stroke survivor requires assistance as she walks up to her kitchen sink. The therapist encourages her to utilize her involved hand and lower extremities as she washes dishes while standing, facilitating both
IADLs: Arranging Flowers While Standing
While working on standing tolerance, the therapist guides this stroke survivor’s involved hand, and uses both upper extremities to create a flower arrangement.
Multiple Sclerosis, Problems Observed in the Home: Part 1
A woman diagnosed with multiple sclerosis describes how weakness, fatigue, and the symptoms of her disease impact her work as an artist and her life at home. She demonstrates how she has adapted her tools to make them easier to use in her art studio.
Multiple Sclerosis, Problems Observed in the Home: Part 2
An artist, diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, has difficulty standing due to fatigue. She shares her concerns about safety and the need to modify her work environment. She asked for help in determining the best solutions.
Multiple Sclerosis, Problems Observed in the Home: Part 3
Kitchen activities have become both difficult and unsafe for a woman diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She demonstrates how weakness and loss of motor control interfere with her ability to prepare meals. What adaptive equipment might help her?
Multiple Sclerosis, Problems Observed in the Home: Part 4
A woman with multiple sclerosis demonstrates how she has learned to adapt her environment and her kitchen routine to accommodate the changes in her functional abilities due to weakness and fatigue.
Multiple Sclerosis, Problems Observed in the Home: Part 5
The need to do physically demanding activities at home, such as cleaning the bathtub, may require the help of a therapist to problem solve and determine the best solution.