Self-Care, Part 2: Washing at the Sink in Acute Care
A young stroke survivor becomes frustrated as he continues his ADL training. Observe changes in behavior while he washes his hands and face, sitting at the sink in the acute care hospital.
Self-Care, Part 3: Brushing Hair at the Sink in Acute Care
A young stroke survivor continues his ADL training and attempts to brush his hair. Observe changes in behavior when he stands at the sink in the acute care hospital.
Mobility: Transfer and Bed Mobility in Acute Care
As his treatment session ends, this young stroke survivor transfers back to his hospital bed with assistance from his therapist.
Outpatient Assessment, Part 1: Initial Interview
The outpatient therapist begins her initial assessment and gathers information while she observes this stroke survivor walk into the clinic, take off his jacket and describe his medical history.
Outpatient Assessment, Part 2: Patient Goals
The outpatient therapist continues gathering information during her initial assessment while the stroke survivor describes his problem areas and goals for therapy.
Outpatient Assessment, Part 3: Hand
The outpatient therapist does an informal assessment of sensation continues gathering information during her initial assessment while the stroke survivor describes his problem areas and goals for therapy.
Outpatient Assessment, Part 4: Upper Extremity Motor Control
Observations from the front, the side and the back make it is easy to see the limitations in upper extremity movement demonstrated by this stroke survivor in the outpatient clinic.
Outpatient Assessment, Part 5: Edema of the Hand
The therapist demonstrates a method used to decrease edema of the hemiplegic hand. The patient’s hand is dipped into an ice slush for 3 seconds and then actively flexes the fingers of his involved hand.
Self-Care: Donning Shirt
While learning to don his shirt, this stroke survivor uses a therapeutic method that helps to reduce tone of the involved upper extremity.
Self-Care: One-Handed Shoe Tying
Many stroke survivors are unable to tie their own shoes. A very simple method of how to tie shoes with the use of one hand is demonstrated to a stroke survivor in the outpatient clinic.
IADLs: Sweeping the Sidewalk
Functioning at a high level, this stroke survivor attempts to utilize his involved hand during an IADL task: sweeping the sidewalk.
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